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Brief History




The ministry of today has matured over the past 7 years. It began in the fall of 2015 when Bill Cave was asked to minister at a small Sabbath fellowship in Old Fort, North Carolina. In March 2017 desiring to reach a wider audience, via social media, with the truth;  the Facebook page "The 717 Ministries & Health Reform" was started and weekly Sabbath sermons were live streamed from the small fellowship Bill Cave pastored. (To be current with our branding the page name, "The 717 Ministries & Health Reform,” has been changed to “Indwelling Word.”)  In the spring of 2018, Bill Cave started working with “Pioneers Health and Missions.”  He served there for a year and a half. There in the Lord’s service a request was made to travel to Romania and start PHM European Division. Bill and his wife sold their home in the United States for the purpose of going to Romania and starting the work overseas. During this time leadership changes in PHM resulted in repurposing the fundraiser and reallocating funds which stopped the plans for opening up a PHM division in Europe. The project was abandoned without notice by the new leadership.  Following  the development, Bill Cave in good standing, quietly resigned from PHM in September 2019 and moved to Romania in November the same year with his wife Priszcilla and son William to do the work independently at their own charges. The following year has been a year of recovery from everything that went on in the process of leaving PHM, moving overseas, and adapting to life in a new country… all the while quietly ministering online to a small company of believers new and old. The whole process has been laying the groundwork for the current ministry “Indwelling Word.”


Bill Cave is the only Seventh Day Adventist in his family. Shortly after becoming a Seventh Day Adventist he attended “Black Hills, Mission College of Evangelism.”  Today it is recognized as “Mission College of Evangelism.”  After graduation, in the early 2000’s, Bill did Evangelistic Series and lay Pastor work for the Seventh Day Adventist Church. In 2014, he discovered the One True God message. In 2016 his understanding was opened to the Literal and Historical methods of Prophetic interpretation held by the first generation Seventh Day Adventists. Two years afterward he began his public work teaching at PHM the Philadelphian Church Message that comprises the truths held by Seventh Day Adventists the first 50 years. It is his firm belief that the only way unity can be effectuated in the faith of SDA’s today is a return to foundational

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